Monday, October 31, 2011

Belgrade Fashion Week Day VII

Belgrade Fashion Week, day VII, the night of young designer part II. Once again we had the honor to enjoy in three totally different collections.
My apsoooolute favorite is JOVANA MARKOVIC

She is my namesake, but  that's not the point .:)  The main reason for my enthusiasm is her playing with leather and studs! My current inspiration, fetish... This season, I became obsessed with studs, spines, fringes and leather ... and Jovana showed it!
She presented to us the collection for fall/winter 2011/12. Her work is inspired by jockeys and horses. Her woman is strong, powerful, observed, authentic, free!
Enjoy the collection! Marina has made incredible photos, you can find here. Vanja has made a fantastic video that can be viewed here.

Ph via FB


  1. ja oduševljena! da treba da izaberem omiljenu reviju, rekla bih da je to ova! :)

  2. sve revije propustih:( koža i nitne može :)

  3. jovana je bila sjajna, potpuno sjajna! moje odusevljenje sa FW-a kada su u pitanju mladi dizajneri ide njooooj... :))) i nema dalje! :) :*

  4. stvarno je sjajna kolekcija!:)

  5. uh meni se ovo malo ne svidja mnogo mi je u gothik fazonu..

  6. Ima jako lepih stvari,a moj favorit je tirkizni mantilic koji je presavrsen!:)

  7. Wow.. amazing stuff. I love all the studs and leather.. very strong and sexy!

  8. Jovana fenomenalna,ne mogu sebi da oprostim da sam zakasnila nju i Martu ...glupa temperastura :///

  9. Jovana je savrsena,zakovice,koza,tirkizni kaput...

  10. Uuu, sviđa mi se i ovo, nešto sam poludela za crnom bojom, pa mi je ovo baš dobro došlo kao inspiracija, odlične su joj haljine!
