Sunday, February 27, 2011


I hope that you heard about Repetto. If you are not-Il etait un fois...Enjoy!
Here is a little bit about the brand and the woman behind it: Repetto is a French ballet shoes company. Created in 1947 by Rose Repetto, at the request of her son dancer and choreographer Roland Petit.

When Rose Repetto created her first ballet shoes in her workshop on the Rue de la Paix , she was looking for refinement and elegance. Repetto's famous ballet flats, inspired by demi-pointe dancing shoes, have become legendary all over the world thanks to the fame of their illustrious owners, and to the stitch and return technique defined since the start of the tradition. Today the production of each shoe remains completely traditional and is surrounded with various quality controls. Just like every precious object, they are produced in limited edition.

Their ballerinas are the symbol of Parisian chic. Ballet dancers and fashion victims from around the world swear only by them.


  1. ja patim za jednima shljokichavim, ne beshe broja
    a ove baletanke imamo u PP, dodushe kao dekor, ali mozda se nekada bacim medj' balerine nikada se ne zna ::))

  2. moram da nadjem neke dobre za prolece. u potrazi moram izbegavati sve slatke stvari sa stiklom, jer cu na kraju opet kukati kako nemam nista ravno. divne su divne.

  3. @jelena k-A jel mogu da budu u prodaji u PP?Ne bi bilo lose..:))Ja ih obozavam....
    @jelena-Hvala.Za dan su obavezne..:)Mada mene bole noge i od njih...

  4. kako im lepooo izgleda izloog!!!divnoooo!

  5. Izlog je predivan, a baletanke slatke. :)

  6. Videla sam i ranije taj izlog na netu, umetnicko delo!:)) Obozavam balet i balerine!:)

  7. stvarno je lep izlog.:) lepleplep!:)

  8. Those pictures of all the ballerina slippers are great!


  9. omg kakav izlog... super post! :)

  10. Divno, predivnoo.. svaka cast na ovom postu! <3
